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"Where do I start?"

When you have decided how an OAKLEY POD can solve one of your problems, simply call

BOB FISHER on 0484 746 129. 

He will arrange to visit your home or site, to offer solutions on how Oakley Pods can be used.

This is a free service.


Bob will provide “on the spot” cost estimates for your proposals, and then follow-up with a fixed price quotation, detailing each item.


Bob Fisher became a Registered Builder in 1976,

and since then, has been continuously active in

the Building Industry in WA.


His vast knowledge in design and construction

is being utilized by providing quick and efficient

building methods for OAKLEY PODS.


There are no short-cuts in building…. 

always “do it right”

and maintain service and quality.


OAKLEY PODS can be constructed either on a concrete slab, or a steel framed floor.

The overall Pod sizes are designed to maximise spans with minimal expense.

If you choose a steel-framed floor for your Pod, the whole finished structure can be craned onto

a flat-top truck and moved wherever you choose, you might take your Pod with you if you move house!

Foil Insulation behind your choice of external cladding.

OAKLEY PODS have a close association with Bendigo Bank.

We can introduce you to the bank, they are familiar with the OAKLEY PODS building system.


Bendigo can assist in your financing needs, making the whole process stress-free!

Depending on your situation, the costs for building an OAKLEY POD could be arranged through a Personal Loan, or a similar facility to suit your needs and budget.

Please ask Bob Fisher to introduce you to a Bendigo partner.


For any information on how you can incorporate an

Oakley Pod next to your existing home,

or build a series of Oakley Pods on your building site,

please don’t hesitate to call Bob and have an informal chat about your ideas and ambitions.





0484 746 129



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